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have you got a local story pic or vid you would like to send us?
Maybe you have been involved in a travel strike or have seen or heard something significant or unusual that fellow travelers need to know or perhaps it's an event you want the general public to know about.
We need to know
1. Do you want your name used or not? We fully understand union confidentailaity.

2. If it's a strike that other travellers need to know. We would like a link to the news article, if not that, where, when, who?

3. We like to know about go slows. You know, how you get that feeling on the back of your neck that something isn't quiet right here!

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Who else is on strike today?
What's your airline up to?
Shaky Airline Status
Airport Strike 2013
Travel Industrial Action strike this week 2013 
Holiday recommendations 2013/4/5

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Do you ever get to share your holiday snaps?
We are the only ones on the planet asking for you to pass them on. Yes believe it or not we want you to publish your mundane vacation shots on our website.
Under photo we will put sent in by viewer X,
Photo's must have clear logo.

We love photo's of:-

Trains, train stations, ticket offices, interiors, train station name,

We love airports, queues, sleeping passengers, check in desks, porters, logo's, long lines.

No body ever asks for your holiday photo's do they!! Plus we know you travel every year.
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