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Comiso Airport Strike
You should know Sunday 28 May 2017 flights to and from Comiso Airport will be affected by Italian air traffic control strike, Alitalia strike and airport workers will be on strike.
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16 December 2013 Catania and Comiso airports were closed Monday after Sicilian volcano Etna began spewing lava and plumes of volcanic ash visible for miles around.

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Catania, 16 Dec. (AKI) - Catania and Comiso airports were closed Monday after Sicilian volcano Etna began a fresh eruption, spewing lava and plumes of volcanic ash visible for miles around.

The lava flow down one side of the mountain could be seen from Catania and from the popular seaside resort of Taormina, some 20 miles (50 kilometres) away.
Runways at Catania airport were coated in volcanic ash and scheduled departures scrapped and arrivals re-routed to alternative destinations.
"The wind direction and intensity" meant the ash was a risk to flights and it had to close it air space, the company that manages Catania airport, Sac, said in a statement on Sunday.
The smaller airport of Comiso near Ragusa was also closed.
Three small earthquakes were also registered around the volcano on Sunday
A planned strike by air traffic controllers at Palermo airport was postponed due to the number of flights re-routed there from Catania and Comiso.
Etna is Europe's most active volcano and eruptions are frequent but the latest activity, which began on Saturday, is the most intense in months.
Etna's last major eruption was in 1992.

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Comiso Airport Strike

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Is Mount Etna erupting?